Cooking temperature
90 degrees (°C).
Best before
Date, time and unique production number can be found at the top of the bag.
Storage & packaging
The food should be stored in the bag, in a cool, dry place (5-18 °C). Away from direct sunlight, and with the zip carefully closed. This will ensure the last meal tastes as good as the first. Th 10kg packaging is 100% recyclable plastic and should be disposed of with other soft plastics.
Bags & croquette size
The BEGINNING is available in 2.5 kg and 10kg bags. The croquette size is tailored to smaller breeds and is the same in both bags.
Who’s it for?
ESSENTIAL the BEGINNING is our special food for puppies & juniors, who as adults will weigh up to a maximum of 15 kg. As you can and should always expect from us, only top-quality ingredients are used. The BEGINNING is GRAIN-FREE and follows our BOF principle. Important! Puppies that will weigh
more than 15 kg as adults must begin on the BEGINNING LARGE BREED from 8 weeks of age.
For breeders: For all puppies from about 3 weeks of age. Soak the meals in boiled, slightly cooled water to make porridge, and introduce gradually. Serve the BEGINNING to the bitch until the pups are 6-8 weeks. Can also be served before giving birth for extra energy/strength.
BOF - A sensation within pet foods
Behavioral Optimizing Foods (BOF) is the principle honoring the many advantages of keeping the blood sugar levels stable throughout the day. Our high fresh meat content and the low preparation temperature means your dog gets exceptional nutritional values vs. mass-branded pet foods. The results with BOF are breathtaking. Serving ESSENTIALS positively will affect the mental balance of your dog. Some report seeing a dramatic transformation in the behavior, others note a smaller change, however improvement is always recorded.